Where does the poetry come from?

My poetry comes through quickly, briefly edited and flows freely. It has been described as RAW, HONEST, SINCERE. It comes through so fast that if I don't sit and write it immediately, it is gone. Is it a gift? Is it worth sharing? I don't know, but I do know that it is now a part of me and I will put it out there.
Sarah Sherman (C)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

CBC Canada Writes - Bloodlines - Published Story

Please check out CBC Canada Writes Bloodlines - they published my story today. It is short, we had a 500 word limit which is VERY tough for me! Anyway, Enjoy!
http://www.cbc.ca/books/canadawrites/2013/11/bloodlines-upload-story.html#mid=13778793&offset=3&page=&s=upload DESC