Sometimes life doesn't go how we plan. Challenges come up and we have to adjust. Just when you think you can't take anymore... You find out you can... when you have to. Love will give you strength you never knew you had.
Love and Faith
My baby was tiny
She had a rough start
But her sister and I
Loved her with our whole hearts
One morning I took her
Into the preschool
She was confident now
And looked me in the eye
She smiled, she kissed me
And said “Mommy, good bye”
I knew she was safe
She was coddled and cared for
I could never have guessed
What she would endure
That morning was happy
I felt strong and secure
I thought I was turning
A new corner, no fear
Later that day
I saw her again
The doctor handed me her clothes
And said “Can you identify her ma’am?
I shook, I trembled, I tried not to fall
I felt my heart palpitate
“Yes, it’s her” I croaked out
Then the doctor he took me
Into the ER and I saw
My baby, strapped to a gurney
Her body all raw
I was dizzy, afraid
I thought she was gone
The doctors said “It’s ok, talk to her mom”
All she could move
Were her big clear blue eyes
I looked down in her face
I shuddered and sighed
I said “Hi baby” and tried not to cry
She looked at me and said
“Mommy it hurts”
I wanted to faint
But I had to put her first
I knew in that moment
No matter what
Her brain was ok
I said “baby I love you,
The doctor is here,
She is going to get you better
Then your sister will come near”
The little tears squeezed
From her eyes so soft
As I turned away
I couldn’t pass out
She needed to stay here
Of that there was no doubt
I had to have strength
Like none I ever knew
I had one more baby
She would need me too
The day passed so slowly
She was flown by air away
The doctors they did
Their very best that day
They patched her
And saved her
And sewed her arm on
They mended her legs
Kept her heart going strong
She was stable again and going to stay
My baby so tiny
Was saved that day
The devil tried to take her
But the angel sent him away
Sarah Sherman